By unknown (uploader Claudio Elias) - http://www.houssay.org.ar/ Houssay's page, Public Domain, Link
Bernardo A Houssay was an Argentinean physiologist who created the first school of medical research in Argentina and brought it to world attention.
He was admitted to the Pharmacy School at the University of Buenos Aires at 14 years of age and subsequently to the Medical School of the same University from 1904 to 1910, beginning when he was only 17 years old. While a third year medical student, Houssay took up a post as a research and teaching assistant in the Chair of Physiology
His research covered a wide range of physiological fields, but particularly concerned the hormonal control of metabolism and arterial hypertension. He became Director of the Institute of Physiology at the University of Buenos Aires, but was dismissed from the university during the Perón era but was able to found and direct the Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine in Buenos Aires. He was joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1947 for his discovery of the role of the anterior pituitary in carbohydrate metabolism and was he first Argentine Nobel laureate in the sciences.