The library features 22 computers which are available for academic use during library hours. An additional 33 computers are available for use in room A100a in the library when it is not in use by a class.
Please use the provided sanitation supplies to disinfect your station before and after use.
- Two Mac workstations are available for use by students enrolled in Graphic Design courses.
- A PC with engineering technology software is also available for use by students enrolled in Engineering Tech courses.
- The engineering technology PC is located in the smaller 2-seat study carrel.
- Available programs include Solidworks 2023; Solidworks Composer; AutoCAD 2024; Autodesk Inventor; MasterCAM.
- Two PCs with astronomy software are available for students enrolled in AST 106 or AST 116.
- The astronomy PC's are located among the main library computer workstations and have signage indicating the astronomy software.
- Available programs include Stellarium, NAAP Labs, CLEA.
- Please see library staff for directions and/or assistance.
- Computer preference will be given to current students using computer workstations for study, research, or coursework.
- Guest users may utilize the College Library's physical resources within the Library space but are not permitted to use the College Library's computer workstations, printer, copier, or scanner.
- Please contact the library at (810) 989-5640 or for questions or assistance.

Please note: When operating any SC4 Library computer, users are governed by and expected to follow all computer usage policies and directives, including St. Clair County Community College Library Acceptable Use Policy & Guest User Agreement.