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Information Literacy Program Assessment

SC4  Library Information Literacy Program

"Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education 2015, American Library Association, Association of College & Research Libraries

In 2015, ACRL adopted the  Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education focusing on six threshold concepts to serve as "passageways or portals to enlarged understanding or ways of thinking and practicing within that discipline." 

The reference librarians at SC4 have incorporated the Framework into the Information Literacy program with the following student learning outcome:

Students will be able to critically and effectively evaluate sources for relevance and usefulness and use them ethically. 

Value of Information Literacy Programs

  • Studies show there is a positive correlation between students attending an information literacy class and enrollment retention (O’Kelly, et al. “Correlation Between Library Instruction and Student Retention: Methods and Implications”).
  • Libraries play an important role in helping students survive their first year at college. Students who received some kind of instruction from librarians in their first year do better in their courses than those who don’t ("New ACRL Report").
  • Students who use libraries tend to stay in college and get better grades than those who don’t. ("New ACRL Report").
  • Students benefited when libraries partnered with other offices that support students such as writing centers and academic enrichment programs ("New ACRL Report").
  • Library information literacy programs can positively affect the goals of general education learning outcomes such as critical thinking, problem solving and civic engagement ("New ACRL Report").
  • Libraries were able to demonstrate a connection between library instruction and retention, engagement, and overall academic experience ("New ACRL Report").