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Information Literacy Program Assessment

Commentary on the 2020-21 Library Information Literacy Program


The SC4 library IL program is based on the following guidelines, both of which are closely related:  

  • Gen. Ed. IL Outcome 1. Demonstrate technological competence to obtain information from data.
  • Gen. Ed. IL Outcome 2. Demonstrate how and where to search for reliable information. (ebook, peer reviewed article, & finding a report in CQ Researcher questions (Fall 2020) or Gale Literature Resource Center (Winter 2021))
  • Gen. Ed. IL Outcome 3. Demonstrate how to form conclusions based on reliable information. (Evaluation question 2)

Because of Covid 19 restrictions in the library building, the ENG 101 IL program was available remotely in multiple ways.

  • Completely online through a library guide (Libguide) created for their class (e.g., Prof. Hilton). Instructors can email this link with our directions to students or post on Canvas.
  • Completely online through a Canvas module librarians created for the instructor and uploaded to Canvas Commons (e.g. Prof. Plachta whose module is built on Libguide ).
  • Combination of online (asynchronous) and through Teams (synchronous) (e.g. Prof. Syeda Ferguson)

All ENG 101 IL program versions cover the same information, but some have additions or slight modifications based on the ENG 101 instructor’s request.

The IL assignment for all link to library software. Librarians receive completed assignments electronically, grade and email back to students with feedback, and, after due date, send Excel file with scores to each instructor. ENG 101 instructors provide librarians with due dates.


Surprisingly, this year provided a period of growth and positive changes for the information literacy (IL) program. Reference services were well positioned to move to all online teaching and learning. The library has provided chat reference help for about 15 years, so moving to an all chat/email/Teams format was seamless. There was an established online ENG 101 IL program and library assignment for years. Creating the program for the newly remote sections was time consuming but provided a chance to revamp the program. Most of the ENG 101 sections were presented asynchronously, but at least seven ENG 101 sections were taught both remotely through Teams and online.

The number of students participating in the ENG 101 program and completing the assignment matched previous years: 534 in 2020-21 (517 in 2019-20 and 528 in 2018-19).

Although there were IL programs for other courses such as ENG 102, pursuant to faculty requests, librarians created online programs and assignments for other disciplines such as Nursing and History (Summer 2021). Grading the online assignments was time consuming but rewarding. Some of the questions require short essay answers which give us insight into students’ thought processes when evaluating sources for authority.

IL Program Statistics

English 101

Using the online information literacy program on library software or Canvas, over 530 English 101 students completed and passed the information literacy program and graded library assignment, a slight increase from 2019-20 despite an overall drop in enrollment.

  • 534 students complete library IL program & assignment with a passing score.
    • 441 students completed the entire program online (asynchronously).
    • 93 students completed the program through Microsoft Teams (synchronously) and completed and passed the library IL assignment online using library software.

English 102

The newly created ENG 102 assignment was written in Winter 2021 pursuant to an instructor’s request for an IL library assignment. In the past, the library had an IL program for ENG 102 students but never had a graded library assignment.

  • 14 students completed and passed the library IL assignment.

History 101 (for Summer 2021)

Pursuant to an instructor’s request, an online History 101 information literacy program and graded library assignment for Summer and Fall 2021

  • 22 students participated in the Summer I History 101 library information literacy program and passed the assignment.

ADN Nursing

The ADN nursing IL program was also converted to an online format in Fall 2020. 

  • Over 60 ADN students completed and passed the Fall 2020 online library information literacy program and graded assignment. 

Did students meet our outcomes?

Nearly all of the students participating in the ENG 101 library IL program met the Information Literacy General Education Competency Outcomes. The majority of incorrect answers were on one of the three Boolean operator questions and on identifying the title of a journal when given an MLA citation. 

As expected, Nursing students performed even better on their library IL program assignment. Most nursing students had already completed an ENG 101 library information literacy program in preparation for entrance to nursing. 

Nearly all of the History 101 students scored well on the library IL assignment. It is unknown how many attended a previous library IL program. 

Student Comments from ENG101 Library Information Literacy Program

After completing the online ENG 101 information literacy assignment, students are given the opportunity to provide anonymous comments on the program. Below are all comments from the 2020-21 program. 

What was the most valuable piece of information you learned from this program?

  • How to use one-search.
  • MLA works citing information shortcuts
  • I didn't know the SC4 Library was a thing until this orientation and it is actually really helpful so thank you
  • How to enter searches to narrow the results further.
  • The different ways to search for information via OneSearch.
  • How to navigate the library webpage. I had never used it prior to this.
  • It was all useful.
  • ways to navigate the one search and information on reviews and titles
  • How to search for information to use for future papers
  • Learning how to use the search engine with the AND OR and NOT
  • The OneSearch I thought was most valuable.
  • how to search
  • Looking up the books and being able to narrow them down was helpful.
  • Having the guide to MLA formatting will probably come in handy, and knowing how to use the site to generate citations will be great.
  • Climate change, and how to find an article was published. Oh also search tabs.
  • How to use and sort the library database.
  • How to navigate the website
  • OneSearch
  • Make sure your resources are accurate when looking up information
  • Boolean
  • How to find resources using or as well as and
  • Ways to spot reputable sources
  • I learned how to use the tabs in the left-hand column, and also how to locate specific articles.
  • Having multiple means of communication if I need help
  • Search techniques like boolify.
  • The And, OR, NOT.
  • Citations and where and what to do with them. Asking the librarian 24/7.
  • I didnt even know this was here, I usually do my work on mac and this didnt pop up
  • How to search for material using OneSearch was the most valuable.
  • I learned a lot about searching a database in a more descriptive manner and navigating the various information.
  • boolean operators
  • How to effectively search for information on certain topics.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned was how to be able to search for information.
  • Putting subjects in quotation marks for what you want to search up.
  • How to efficiently navigate the SC4 Library website and database.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned was that you use AND to find resources with all your terms, you use OR to find articles with other searched terms, and to combine the terms you put parentheses around the ORs
  • the one search bar and how to use it
  • How to search up key terms.
  • MLA format
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned was the way to cite and avoid plagiarism.
  • Finding out about all the stuff available at the library
  • How to easily get access to many resources. I've never looked to use the college library yet. It was great learning how to get to many valuable resources.
  • The Boolean phrases and how to use them to narrow down my search phrases.
  • Everything was very valuable. I have been out of the school setting for years and this made me very comfortable.
  • How to properly structure and communicate my thoughts clearly, without sounding too wordy.
  • The search strategies were very useful.
  • how to search
  • Being able to set filters about certain sources was most valuable.
  • How to use key search words.
  • the AND, OR, NOT. Did not even know that was a thing.
  • How to cite a book and where to find it.
  • narrowing down searches using "and" and "or"
  • How to get access to different, reliable research topics with ease
  • How to cite easily cite an article using the database.
  • How to find many different sources of information.
  • finding resources for my class such as the eng 101 literacy program section
  • That I could narrow down some search options with the use of AND, OR, parenthesis and quotation marks
  • That you can cite anything in MLA form it kind of gave me a better idea of how to do it.
  • The use of the AND, OR, NOT search sequences
  • Boolean indicators have been the most helpful.
  • boolean operators
  • The most valued piece of info I learned was the AND OR and NOT.
  • How to CITE, all of the short cuts, mostly the search strategies.  These will reduce the amount of data to look through for information
  • How the sc4 library can help me.
  • Different words I can use to help limit my search down.
  • How to use the to an effective search for information.
  • How to cite ebooks.
  • how to search
  • How to use OneSearch
  • Learning how to easily get citations
  • How to find books and resources. I also learned that the SC4 library has educational videos in addition to books and articles.
  • The different types of search options.
  • The OneSearch and citing the source with a click or two with the mouse.  I didn't know that that option was available until I read it in the program.
  • how to find research information through one search.
  • Citations
  • What “AND, OR, and NOT” when searching things in the library.
  • The use of “and” and “or”
  • During the orientation, the greatest piece of information was the fact to always get your work in on time and to always ask for help when you need it.
  • I think the most valuable piece of information I learned was how to narrow down your search topic uses Boolean operators because that is something I had never used prior and it makes research much easier.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned during this orientation was how to use the citations and get it to MLA.
  • It was very helpful to learn to use quotations around certain words and "and, or, not"
  • using the search
  • How to look something up the proper way.
  • How to get to ebooks.
  • Finding research materials.
  • How to cite sources in MLA format.
  • Being able to copy the citation from the books or articles.
  • I think the most valuable piece of information I learned was how to properly search using one search.
  • The importance of AND, OR, and NOT. This will help me immensely on research papers.
  • citations
  • Where to find proper articles
  • About ebooks
  • That it was easier when using keywords to look up topics.
  • Best way to look up information correctly.
  • The most valuable piece of information that I learned was learning how to use the library and access the articles I may need.
  • How to get citations for documents
  • I learned how to use the SC4 canvas
  • proper searching
  • I learned that you can actually cite sources straight from the website
  • how easy it is to find information
  • It is very easy to access everything on the website.
  • How to find the best sources for my papers.
  • That the library is available 24/7 to help students.
  • That I can check out textbooks
  • The test was a little confusing especially when it navigated you to a different link because I thought I had lost my test.
  • How to find certain articles in a quicker way
  • How to search things in the library search tab like if I wanted to search high school students and anxiety, I would have to search "high school students" AND anxiety.
  • I thought learning how to tell which sources are better than others as very valuable and is something I can use in the future.
  • How to find quality information that isn't just googled information.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned during the orientation was how to use the OneSearch.
  • how to use onesearch for research
  • I think the most valuable piece of information I learned during this was how to use the library. I honesty did not ever think about the library and I am glad I know how to find articles fast.
  • I think finding the citations was the most valuable because citing sources is VERY important.
  • The citations for the sources are included right with the source.
  • Research Guides!!! So useful!! Why didn't I know they were a thing sooner?
  • How to search things in a search bar
  • How to search for specific items
  • The most valuable piece of information that I learned during the orientation was about how to decide whether an article is authoritative or not.
  • How to search things using the keywords with AND, OR, NOT.
  • Boolean Operators, these will increase the efficiency of results when I'm searching for sources for papers.
  • how to work around the library itself.
  • How to use and operate the SC4 Library.
  • How to use the website and how to quickly get the MLA citations.
  • I find it was all valuable information
  • There are may ways to contact the librarians, so I don't have any excuses.
  • How copy and learn to read the logs.
  • That I have access to help 24/7 so there's no worry if I can't figure something out.
  • how to use quotations, AND, and OR
  • Where to search for books and how to refine my search.
  • that there are always people and
  • I actually think for me it was all valuable especially the ease of finding citation information
  • What options we have.
  • it was how to use the search bar and how to use its different resources
  • How to search things better
  • To maintain structure despite the fact we are all under crazy conditions with COVID-19, as it is difficult to succeed in virtual learning without disciplining yourself.
  • How to search for things to get the best results and information
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned during this orientation is how to cite in MLA format.
  • Learning how to execute advanced searches through the SC4 library,
  • how to research
  • How to read a citation
  • I thought finding the articles that were reliable and then being able to cite them was the most valuable.
  • How to find the in book and in article Citation maker! It's really nice, as I usually would make my own citation or use an "outside source" to make citations. Usually, the one found on the Purdue Owl website.
  • Citation better
  • knowing how to get in contact with a librarian
  • Knowing that I can research a lot of the things I want.
  • How to access a lot of different things, and how I can categorize what I want if I want something super specific.
  • Where and how to access the library.
  • What to search in search engines to get more specific results.
  • How to type in searches
  • How to navigate the site and to be able to copy and paste citations in whatever format.
  • Where to find the MLA format citation.
  • It was useful to see examples of how to use boolean searches.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned from the orientation was how to evaluate sources to see if they are creditable or not.
  • I learned about the various ways to research.
  • How to use all the resources provided.
  • The tool "and", "or"
  • That you need to make sure to know where to find MLA format and how to understand it in order to know where things are within the citation.
  • How to find scholarly journals
  • That I can access textbooks through the library.
  • Knowing that they constantly have ways to contact the library for any question
  • Different ways to access the library
  • That you can cite using MLA format right on the page instead of using another source.
  • I think the Boolean operators can prove valuable in searching for proper, well-written sources along with knowing how to properly identify and assess a source ensuring its educational or statistically correct.
  • how to google my key words to make my searches come up more relevant
  • That the library will cite sources for you.
  • That I can always get support from the library if I need it in any aspect
  • The AND/OR and putting things in quotations.
  • I learned how to access peer reviewed articles in an easier way.
  • How to access these websites and use them for future English assignments.
  • The ways to find good sources
  • How to access certain articles and ebooks
  • how to use the search engine for articles and how you can filter them
  • How to get to the one search
  • how to use the onesearch tool.
  • Due to Covid-19, we did not have an orientation really to my memory.
  • I already knew most of it
  • MLA citation from an article or book right next to the article or book
  • I learned how to use the citation tool.
  • How to properly cite articles using the built-in database functions.
  • The side tabs when looking for material. Like the peer review, Ebook, magazine.
  • Going more in depth on how to access the ebooks and making sure the sites are reliable as well as the citations.
  • How to get the proper citations
  • How easy it is to cite right on the sc4 page
  • How to narrow down my searches. Really comes in handy getting straight to the topic I want to research.
  • the onesearch and how to use it will be helpful in finding valuable and credible information for college papers
  • Search strategies.
  • I learned different ways I can find ebooks on certain topics and I learned how to cite a source right on the website without having to go to a different place.
  • The different ways to get to the sc4 library.
  • how easy the library is to navigate
  • learning about and or and not
  • I have learned that there are many useful sources that can be used for any research essay.
  • How to properly use to tools of the sc4
  • that i can cite on the library
  • I liked that it showed how to access and narrow down the searches
  • I learned how to access databases and find specific information.
  • How to find  a esearch article and its appropriate date
  • How to find reliable sources for essays
  • where the tools are when on the site and how to use them
  • Using the Sc4 library properly
  • I learned that there is 24/7 support if needed and that is a good thing to know.
  • Using the library was my first time, so it took me a little while to figure it out.
  • Using the OneSearch and CQResearch to find helpful and reliable sources to use for research.
  • I learned how to do citations very easily using those sources, which will save a lot of time and stress.
  • Overall lay out
  • Learning how to maneuver the SC4 library.
  • Boolean Operators
  • The advanced search seems to be very helpful.
  • About boolean operators
  • How to search things up in the library database.
  • How to search in the onedrive or citations
  • how to cite in book like "climate change" and there's a lot about about it and find the most recent one and click the " and cite it MLA format
  • How to magnify your searches
  • How to use onesearch.
  • How to use the already cited formats
  • I didn't even know that the SC4 library had databases to search so that was very valuable.
  • citation builder.
  • The most valuable piece I learned was how to navigate the library.
  • Knowing I can look up any book or article at the touch of a button.
  • How to narrow down search results
  • how to navigate the sites
  • How to filter results using the side bar.
  • I can use this library for myself in future essays and assignments.
  • How to refine my search.
  • Just learning how to navigate the program
  • I learned how to cite information from the webpage directly instead of using other citation webpages
  • How to find sources the easiest way possible
  • How to find specific articles
  • I learned that there are many resources to help me for my referencing.
  • How to try to figure out the best sources to use when it comes to research
  • How to get the citations for the articles.
  • How to search.
  • a tab in one window can affect a whole other window
  • The use of quotes and words such as "AND" , "OR" , and "NOT" in search engines
  • How to use OneSearch
  • how easy it is to get good sources
  • How to actually use the library haha.
  • How to navigate the SC4 online Library resources.
  • How to limit my search, also the uses or AND, OR, and NOT.
  • Where everything was.
  • That there is a lot of resources and help from the Library.
  • I learned how to look up books and information and cite the things I was looking up
  • The search strategies were actually really helpful. I didn't know about using "AND" or "OR" before and I am happy I know now.
  • I think the most valuable piece of information I learned during this orientation is that I can copy MLA citation formats when I want to use anything from SC4 Library in academic paper.
  • how to properly search information into OneSearch
  • how I can cite through the sc4 library
  • The 24/7 chat existence.
  • How to find different forms of research materials.
  • how to properly cite
  • Quoting citations
  • All of the different forms of looking up specific articles
  • Specific searching techniques.
  • How to cite
  • Just all the resources that were available to me
  • How easy it is to generate a MLA citation.
  • The keyword search functions.
  • How to cite sources.
  • The difference between "And" and "Or" when search for specific topics
  • That it existed.
  • The citations and knowledge that I can access all of that information.
  • How to search for credible, peer-reviewed articles.
  • The library always has ways of getting you the help you need
  • The most valuable information I learned today was the different was to search for and article, item, book, etc. with the AND, OR,NOT
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned was how to narrow do my searches.
  • searching on the library website
  • Knowing how to browse for books, videos, etc and that it shows how to cite your journals and books.
  • Nothing this is for mindless individuals
  • MLA citations, always struggled with those
  • how to cite
  • that sc4 has a 244/7 help line
  • I learned that the college has E-books online and some just normal books online you can purchase or use and quote using the quotations
  • About using the SC4 Library for citing sources.
  • MLA format citations.
  • looking up the books or ebooks and seeing the MLA format
  • How to tell reliable sources.
  • The use of quotations in searching
  • The way to search in the search bar to refine your results.
  • learning how to use boolean operators
  • How to search for specific articles or sources.
  • The extensive search functions that the library has.
  • Nothing. I already knew all this from previous years and classes.
  • I would say it's the ability to find peer-reviewed works.
  • Where to copy and paste MLA citation.
  • everything
  • How to turn a citation to mla
  • how to get sources
  • How you can site sources.
  • The use of parentheses, quotation marks, and the words AND/OR.
  • how to search for reliable article, and what words to use in the search
  • About MLA formant, now I understand how to read it more!
  • how to get in contact with the library and how to find things on the web page.
  • how to use the website
  • You can find out almost everything on the website for the library.
  • How to cite in MLA format
  • How to use the library
  • Citations in MLA!
  • I think the most valuable piece of information that i learned was how to get a quick citing of an eBook or article.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned from this is how to access the library.
  • How to use the esearch
  • How many published and scholarly articles I have access to that I didn't realize before.
  • Learning how to include different topics into one search bar.
  • how boolean operators work,
  • "One Search" is interesting and I will probably use it in the future.
  • The most valuable piece of information I learned during the orientation is how to correctly cite and reference resources.
  • Search terms and how to make looking for more specific articles easier.
  • That there are research databases available
  • It's easy to cite a source.
  • there is a 24/7 chat
  • extra guidance in helpful information
  • automatic cite
  • How to look up articles
  • How the extra tabs work
  • There is a button that will help you cite the source
  • How to use the citation part of the library.
  • How to get citations immediately
  • The MLA format
  • How to use different search engines on the SC4 library database.
  • the search strategies
  • The tabs on the left hand column
  • The and, or and not search functions
  • I would say having it all easily explained is very valuable in general, because it will save me time trying to figure it out and potentially dong something wrong in the future. Being aware of all the options and help available is no little thing either.
  • About searching techniques like quotations around a phrase and boolean words.
  • being able to change the citations
  • How to most effectively use OneSearch.

Student Comments from the ENG 101 IL Program 2020-21

What was the least valuable part?

  • I feel all of the program was valuable information.
  • Narrowing search fields
  • Don't think anything was not valuable, everything in the orientation was important and good to know.
  • How to access the library.
  • There was none.
  • answering the "and" and "or" questions.
  • I don't think there was a least valuable part. I think it was all good information.
  • It was all valuable
  • Not knowing you needed to read the articles.
  • Copying and pasting links and MLA formats
  • I did not think there was one part that was least valuable.
  • It was all valuable.
  • The directions were kind of confusing.
  • none
  • Navigating Homepage
  • nothing
  • I already knew how to do all of it, I feel as if the questions were too meticulous and or trying make me get the question wrong.
  • I don't think there was a least valuable part
  • The way/explanation to access one search. I found it easier to use the upper left hand tab and just click onesearch
  • The least valuable part was the dates of publication because I found those pretty obvious.
  • Accessing the library because I have already learned how to do that.
  • MLA
  • None
  • finding out this assignment wasnt done and being late
  • I felt it was all valuable information.
  • I thought it was all valuable information, given that I knew close to nothing prior.
  • the MLA stuff wasnt all that helpful but thats just me
  • CQ researchers
  • I would say everything in it was valuable to me.
  • For me it was when using the left hand column.
  • The second to last question.
  • The least valuable part would've been looking for the search bar on the library link because I use it so softly I automatically knew where to look.
  • not sure
  • How to access the school library.
  • I'm not sure
  • I thought all parts in this orientation were valuable and I could always refer back to this page when needed.
  • It was all helpful
  • I found it all valuable. I am a new user.
  • Review on how to use the Database filters.
  • All of it is useful to me.
  • reading the articles
  • The way the questions were worded were confusing to me sometimes.
  • How to login
  • none
  • I felt that everything shown was important. I can't think of anything that was least valuable.
  • I think the discussion on MLA formatting, but since some people haven't been in a classroom for years, it helps to shake the cobwebs out
  • searching up articles because those are online everywhere.
  • Using the OneSearch. I feel like it was pretty self explanatory.
  • All very valuable.
  • MLA topics
  • The MLA things, because I already knew them.
  • I don't think there was anything that wasn't of value
  • Citation exercises, I already had a good idea on citations.
  • Questions about how to read a citation or put it in MLA format.
  • I think all of it was very valuable information to know.
  • It was all pretty valuable.
  • length
  • and, or, not for boolean
  • Each part of this orientation was very valuable to me. I didn't know anything regarding the SC4 library so I found the experience very educational and of great value.
  • I think all the information was needed and was a good refresher.
  • Everything in this program is valuable, but if I had to pick one part that is the least valuable, I would pick how to tell the difference between peer-reviewed materials and regular articles because I kind of already knew that.
  • none
  • none
  • Painting the information about the books into the bars.
  • The citation part
  • I don't think there really was a weak or non-valuable part to this. I feel like you can learn something from anything that is new to you. Or even if you have done something to perfection, there is always something to learn.
  • I honestly don't think there was a part that was invaluable to me, as the orientation is now a reference to any questions I may have regarding the SC4 library and I can always look back to it if I have any questions.
  • I didn't find anything not valuable everything that I did I learned something from it.
  • None of it, all of it was very helpful
  • How to get to the sc4 website because I already knew.
  • It was all valuable.
  • All was equally valuable
  • Did not find one during this assignment.
  • None
  • I think the least valuable part with the citation tool and having to go over it. I felt that part was pretty self explanatory.
  • I don't think there was one. I think it was all valuable information.
  • onesearch
  • I don't believe any of it was invaluable
  • Everything was of value
  • I honestly don't know it was quite easy.
  • I think all the information was useful.
  • The least was MLA, APA, and knowing how to tell fake new.  I learned all of it last year in AP seminar.
  • Using the tabs to narrow down searches
  • I'm not sure
  • all parts were valuable
  • I thought all the aspects that were featured played a very important role in the program
  • mot of it
  • Some of the topics repeated.
  • Probably the whole peer review process explanation.
  • What article was most authoritative.
  • nothing
  • Having to go through the articles.
  • Wasnt any
  • Nothing, I thought they were all pretty valuable
  • I thought all of the parts were important.
  • I thought it was all valuable!
  • The least valuable part was learning how to access the library.
  • idk
  • The least valuable part was having to copy and past the links multiple times. One time probably would've been enough.
  • I think all of it was worth learning.
  • I think it was all very helpful.
  • So much MLA stuff. I know it is important but we've spent weeks talking about it in class. It is starting to get confusing with all the different teaching styles repeating it over and over.
  • How to use the library database
  • I didn't think any were less valuable
  • I did not find any part of this assignment invaluable.
  • Explaining how to find things.
  • "navigating the library" tab, because your website is pretty straightforward
  • Probably the researching I already knew how to do that.
  • None
  • I don't think anything was "least valuable"
  • None
  • I already completed training on databases in my biology class, so I already knew most of this.
  • The process to work the system.
  • Can't think of a part that I didn't find important.
  • how to find the library website
  • MLA format citing.
  • nothing everything is the same in value
  • I did not find any portion not valuable
  • How to get the the website.
  • they questions on what i think was a better source not really needed in the orientation
  • Nothing
  • I'm not sure, I haven't considered it. I don't think of any information as not valuable unless, of course, it's some useless fact.
  • I didn't think there was one.
  • The least valuable part is the work sited.
  • I found it all very valuable information because no one else informed me about it.
  • nothing
  • Most of it
  • I cannot choose one
  • There really wasn't a least valuable part, it was all helpful in its own way.
  • Nothing
  • going through the climate change articles
  • Looking up the articles
  • The stuff regarding the MLA format. I've used that format for all of the papers I've ever written and I remember it easily.
  • Looking up topics and narrowing them down with the sidebar.
  • Nothing in my opinion.
  • none
  • All parts were valuable.
  • Reading about the same thing over and over again.
  • The program was longer than necessary.
  • I didn't really think any part was less valuable, everything was equally important information.
  • nothing
  • Nothing
  • The constant showing of how to cite
  • It was all valuable
  • I already knew about citations
  • How repetitive it was.
  • there was no least valuable part
  • Navigating the homepage because it was super easy and already obvious on how to work it.
  • Navigating because it was kind of self explanatory.
  • Some of the search box slides like where it was located at, seemed a bit unneeded since its pretty easy to see or if you just look at the site and explore it yourself.
  • I'm not sure there was one, I think everyone should know how to use this
  • The test at the end. I don't think it should be graded and affect our grades by 50 points if we get things wrong. It's disappointing that an assignment like this could affect our grades greatly when in realty this should just be a orientation that we take and is not a 50 point assignment. An assignment like this could make or break someone passing the class or not. It's not needed whatsoever.
  • I think all the information was helpful.
  • I already knew how to use "AND" and "OR" when it came to using search engines.
  • I think all of it was valuable, none of it felt unnecessary.
  • Learning MLA format
  • Learning how to use the search bar
  • the questions at the beginning and end
  • Nothing
  • Due to Covid-19, we did not have an orientation really to my memory.
  • already knew most of it
  • None
  • Nothing :)
  • The MLA format
  • Everything was pretty straight forward and I gained more practice with this orientation, I do not have anything bad to include.
  • everything was valuable for learning
  • I can't really say. It all seems like valuable information
  • The final questions.
  • Reading the articles to answer the few questions, it was an orientation on how to use the database and the library to my advantage and I didn't think the articles were necessary.
  • I didn't find the least valuable part it was all helpful.
  • There was not any part that were not valuable.
  • I thought the questions that asked for the meanings of the articles I searched for were rather unnecessary.
  • i think it was all fairly useful
  • Probably the question on how to find the Library, just because I already knew
  • The different ways of finding the SC4 Library homepage because I usually access it through my SC4 Portal.
  • it was all helpful
  • I don't think i will really use anything that is not peer reviewed unless specified not to by my professor
  • There was nothing that was not valuable. I was learning through the whole thing.
  • No comment.
  • Hate to admit this as it was easy two points but the last two were pretty easy to know.
  • I can't think of a least valuable part.
  • How to use the OneSearch Engine, it seems like using that would just be common sense and take like a second to figure out.
  • I think that everything that we were given was good information that will be very helpful to us.
  • The peer review process
  • Putting in the titles and dates of articles
  • all the resource was really valuable
  • The different ways to get to the library
  • Asking about how to get to the sc4 library website.
  • The fact that this was a graded assignment.
  • Coping and pasting the title of the book and the article.
  • I didn't learn anything that wasn't valuable doing this assignment actually helped me out.
  • I don't necessarily have one.
  • How to access site
  • none
  • How to search keywords using boolean expressions and quotes: I already possessed such knowledge.
  • Nothing.
  • I found everything to be useful.
  • Nothing
  • It all seemed like a lot of un necessary things that I already knew about
  • nothing
  • How to navigate the different pages. Most people my age are used to the internet and can easily make their way around websites
  • Probably trying to cite the formats. I copied and pasted and they kept getting messed up.
  • Having to re-sign in for some odd reason.
  • Finding the year of the articles because I already knew how to find that type of stuff.
  • ebook
  • I'm not sure
  • the topic
  • Online orientations are difficult
  • how to use filters
  • It was well put together in my opinion
  • Unsure.
  • Some of the information videos were a little longer than needed. Jane explains everything so well and is very easy to follow along.
  • Nothing.
  • time-consuming
  • The least valuable part was probably the things I was looking up and figuring out if it was ebook or not.
  • Just evaluating the Library Home Page, because it is very self-explanatory.
  • I found it all valuable and informative.
  • I don't really know
  • nothing
  • It was all valuable
  • The least valuable part was the facts in the sentences that you had to identify
  • how to search using the search bar
  • How to navigate the home page because its pretty self explanatory.
  • Everything seems relevant.
  • There wasn't a least valuable part
  • none
  • I feel this orientation should have been done at the beginning of the class.
  • All of the information was valuable.
  • Wasn't any.
  • I honestly didn't think there was something that was the least valuable of all the tabs.
  • none
  • The AND OR NOT parts.
  • It got a bit redundant, talking about OneSearch over and over. I understood it with the first video, but there were a couple more after, explaining the same thing.
  • searching for a better link
  • Honestly everything that was brought up in the assignment is valuable, but out of all of it I personally would say "Assessing the Library Homepage".
  • The least valuable part I learned was how to contact the library, because I already knew that information.
  • the quiz
  • none, it was all pretty valuable information.
  • most of it
  • The climate change part, I think identifying the bias about climate change would have been a better focus for it
  • knowing the names
  • I sort of already knew what to do here, but it was a good brain refresher
  • copy and pasting titles of random articles.
  • none
  • answering the questions about climate control
  • The research guides
  • The knowledge of ProQuest
  • I think it was all valuable.
  • nothing
  • How to navigate the contact page.
  • All learning is valuable.
  • The repetitive lessons on filtering. It's not that hard to filter results
  • um  I didn't find anything to me least valuable
  • Having to restart it over from beginning about six times. I would have loved to know how to save so i wouldn't lose my answers
  • nothing
  • unsure
  • Learning how to find citation.
  • navigating
  • Nothing really, everything was very helpful.
  • how to find the website, most of us have probably used it before.
  • It was a lot of work to research one book.
  • The question about how to access the SC4 library online with the google search, or the sc4 website. That I already knew from previous classes.
  • I don't really believe there were any low valuable parts in it.
  • The least valuable part was identify titles.
  • Probably how to look up the library itself, I had to get here in the first place to take the test, it was pretty easy to find.
  • Learning how to tell a journal and magazine article apart.
  • n/a
  • CQ Researcher, I will most likely not be using that.
  • I felt that it was all valuable and provided me with more insight on various other topics.
  • Citing
  • The amount of information that needed to to be known and the layout of the test
  • None that I can think of.
  • majority of it
  • being pressured by a time limit, instead of being able to explore freely
  • idk
  • How to search for the SC4 library
  • Nothing
  • I thought it as all valuable information, it was all useful and helpful
  • Authoritative sources and which articles should be used
  • How to search for articles
  • It was all pretty good
  • Hard to decide. Most of the material I found to be valuable, I can not think of anything.
  • evaluating resources because I had already learned that from a different class.
  • What you had access to on the home page
  • It was a tad repetitive, it seems like there would be a smother way to communicate, but at the same time emphasize some of you points. For example, the importance of always using MLA format for English class and where the citing your source, and PDF buttons are.
  • I'm not sure.
  • all of it was helpful
  • I thought all the information was quite useful.

ENG 101 LibWizard Questions Winter 2021

ENG 101 LibWizard Questions Winter 2021