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Information Literacy Program Assessment

Library Fostering an Inclusive Climate for Students & Staff 2022-2023
Outcome Assessment Strategies Timing Closing the Loop
Students/staff will feel safe within the physical environment. Student/staff survey every two years  
Students/staff will feel safe within the virtual library environment. Provide IL instruction in multiple formats to meet students' needs.  Continuous  
Supporting textbook affordability initiatives by remaining active in MCL and promoting/supporting faculty use of OER materials. Data submitted to MCO Every semester  
Collecting materials by or about underrepresented or marginalized groups. Review topic areas covered in the Collection Development Excel file for purchases. Review electronic and physical collection for outdated/inappropriate materials.  Continuous Action taken
Conducting periodic review of physical and electronic library space to ensure accessibility for other-abled individuals.  Do library webpages/research guides/assignments meet accessibility guidelines? Library staff reviews building interior and exterior for potential barriers to access.  Continuous  
Provide reference help in multiple formats.  Reference staff statistics; RHN workshops/training/library homepage Every semester Contact the library