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SC4 Retirees 100th Anniversary Commemorative Tree

Martin, Ruth

  • Executive Secretary, Administrative Services
  • 1969-1979

Matthews, Al

Mavis, Larry

Started at SC4 after 10 Years of Environmental, Pharmaceutical and Coatings Chemistry; I was a supervisor, manager and lab director in these labs. Taught Chemistry in High School and at Macomb and Henry Ford Community College as well as SC4. Started at SC4 in 1994 as an Adjunct; began full time in 1998. Remained full time until retirement in 2019, then returned as an adjunct where I continue. At SC4 worked to help design chemical instrument labs in the renovation of the CEM building. Worked to author lab course manuals for our chemistry courses.

McGuigan, Kay

Education: Associate Degree in Executive Secretarial from SC4

Started in1992 working part-time for the Fine Arts Dept. as secretary (now called Visual and Performing Arts).

I worked extra hours filling in for absences in other departments - worked in Payroll/Human Resources, Marketing, Community and Business Services, Nursing, Social Sciences, Engineering Technology, Learning Resources Center, Math/Science, Theatre, Business, Computer and Office Technology, and Student Learning Center.  The experience from working in different departments was invaluable in understanding the innerworkings of SC4 as a whole.

Went full-time in 1997 for the Office for Academic Services for Dean Anita Gliniecki. About two weeks after working in this office, Dean Gliniecki became Vice President and I was one of two secretaries that worked for Anita (she was that busy!) Eventually, Anita left SC4 and I worked for Denise McNeil, V.P. of Academic Services.

Responsibilities in Academic Services included Curriculum Committee (taking minutes, preparing program, course and catalog documents), Schedule of classes for the semester, working with department secretaries in the finalization of classes, fielding phone calls for the V.P.) 

I was a member of the ESP (Educational Support Personnel) Union and was active in the Classification Committee and the Social Committee.  I served as Secretary for the Union for a few years.  Our Classification Committee group revamped the "Tool" document, which defined each employee's job description in the Union.  We worked in tandem with the Human Resources Director, spending many hours refining the Tool.

I was a member of the Beautification Committee, Adopt-A-Highway Committee, the Festival of Trees Committee, and Wellness Committee.

McNeil, Denise

  • Professor, Computer Information Systems 2000 - 2006   
  • Dean of Instruction 2006 - 2009 
  • VP Academic Services 2010 – 2016