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Criminal Justice

CJ databases

CJ Databases

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Selected CJ Encyclopedias

Walking beat

Police technologies

Try these search terms:

  • "body cameras" OR "body cams"
  • cameras AND "law enforcement"
  • technology AND "law enforcement"
  • tasers OR "stun guns"

Role of Police and Homeland Security

Excessive force

Try a combination of the following keywords:

  • "use of force"
  • "police brutality"
  • "police misconduct"
  • "Rodney King"
  • "excessive force"
  • "deadly force"
  • "officer involved shooting"
  • "body cameras" OR "body cams"
  • cameras AND "law enforcement"


Police corruption

Racial profiling

Contact the Library

Profile Photo
Jane Lewandoski
Phone (810) 989-5640
Text (810) 515-7343