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ENG 101 & 102 Prof. Ferguson

Search Strategies

Advanced search skills can help refine your search results.  Use these strategies when looking for information from the library databases or Google.

Phrase searching

Put quotation marks around words that you want to search as a phrase.

"Wild Angels"    “human rights”   “charismatic authority”  “negative capability”




Shorten terms and add an asterisk * to search for all forms of the root word.

symbol* = symbol + symbols + symbolism



Boolean Operators

Use Boolean operators to refine your search results.


AND - Use AND to find articles with all of your search terms.

Recitatif AND guilt

Keats AND "negative capability"

“Harlem Renaissance” AND “women writers”

Plath AND metaphor

“Road Not Taken” AND symbolism



OR - Use OR to find articles that have either search term in them.

irony OR sarcasm OR satire

"charismatic authority" OR "charismatic leader"

"mother figure" OR "maternal transference"

"Le Guin" OR LeGuin

"bad thoughts" OR "evil thoughts"


Put parentheses () around your ORs if other Boolean operators are present.

Weber AND ("charismatic authority" OR "charismatic leader")

guilt AND ("bad thoughts" OR "evil thoughts")

"Three Strangers" AND (irony OR sarcasm OR satire)


NOT - Use NOT to eliminate terms you do not want in your search results.

(graffiti OR "street art") NOT "American Graffiti"