Holly B. Rogers
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Suzanne is in the process of completing her portfolio requirements to become a certified Koru mindfulness teacher. Koru is an accredited program of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) classes especially for college students developed by research practioners at Duke University. As part of this process, she did a three- day retreat with MBSR founder, Jon Kabat Zinn, a five-day silent retreat with Beaumont Hospital, led by a facilitator from Brown University’s Mindfulness program, the MBSR eight-week course at Ann Arbor’s Center for Mindfulness, and a course in teaching mindfulness in Prison with Dr. Fleet Maul, the founder of the Mindfulness-based Emotional Intelligence (MBEI) program and the Prison Mindfulness Institute. She will be offering opportunities for mindfulness classes and workshops in the community through Duke’s Koru program.
Mindfulness Presentation - Faculty PD, January 2021
Articles and resources that may be helpful:
Computer Information Systems
Criminal Justice
Engineering/Industrial Tech
Mindfulness for College Students