Most databases are searchable by keyword or subject. It's usually best to avoid typing full sentences into a database search engine; using keywords and Boolean operators will almost always return better results.
As this image from Academic Search Complete's advanced search shows, you may search using Boolean operators or by searching for any or all of your search terms.
You can also narrow down your results by publication date, by publication type, by full text, and by many other limiters.
Results can be refined by language, author, document type, or others. Some databases mix scholarly and non-scholarly sources, and will allow you to limit between the two.
Depending on the database you are using, articles may be displayed in different formats:
- Citation: Includes only the article citation (i.e., author, title, date, etc.). Neither an abstract nor the full-text of the article are available.
- Abstract: Includes the citation and a summary of the article's content. It does not include the full-text article.
- Full-text: Includes the citation and full-text article. This may be in HTML, .pdf, or both formats.