Example: Finding a research paper from a Washington Post article
The example below show a Washington Post article found in the library database Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints. It refers to a study that is on the topic of climate change.

It refers to a study published in the National Academy of Sciences. Highlighted in yellow are a few on the main search phrases.

Searching the two phrases in Google using the AND Boolean operator between the two produced numerous results. By looking at the beginning of the URLs of the results, it appears the second one down may link to some information about the study. A citation to the original study would be useful!

The site links directly to the full text of the study. It is an open source journal.

Many reputable publishers and scholars are choosing to publish their material as open source, meaning you or your library does not have to pay for the article. It can still be considered a scholarly source if the publication meets the requirement for being a peer reviewed publication.

Many PNS journals are peer reviewed although this particular one might not be.