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ENG 102 Information Literacy Program Prof. Bloomingburg

Hello, Prof. Bloomingburg's ENG 102 Students!

Use the tabs in the left-hand column to work through the information literacy program. Complete the assignment on the Assignment tab. 

Due date:

ENG 102 sections 85 and 86 are due by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, March 23.



Accessing the Library Homepage

There are numerous ways to locate the library homepage.

  • Google "SC4 Library"
  • Type the library URL in your browser address bar: OR
  • Click on the SC4 Library link in the SC4 Portal

Navigating the library homepage

The format of the library homepage may differ depending upon whether you are accessing it from your laptop or from a tablet or mobile device. Below are what the various links on the homepage represent. 


Fall and winter semester regular hours are listed in the right hand column if you are using a laptop or tablet. For hours that may differ from the regular schedule, such as during spring break, check the complete calendar.

Contact the Library

The contact the library button provides access to the various ways to contact library staff members. You can contact the library in person or by phone, email, text, or 24/7 chat.

Chat with a Librarian

The chat with a librarian button provides immediate access to an academic librarian 24/7. You may not be chatting with an SC4 librarian because we cover the "virtual reference desk" in a collaborative with over 400 colleges and universities across the country, but the librarian who answers should be able to get you started on your research. 


This button provide direct links to in person and online tutoring help. 

Research Guides 

Research Guides offer help on searching different topics. More information about the guides will be given later in this information literacy program.

Interlibrary Loan

If the SC4 library does not have a particular article or book you need, we can request it from another library through interlibrary loan. This button will link you with the request form. 


Search all 200+ of the library databases at once using OneSearch. You can easily narrow your results to peer reviewed materials, books, academic videos, etc. Using OneSearch is covered in a later section of this information literacy program.

Databases A to Z

If you know exactly which database you would like to search, you can find it here. The Research Guides can help -- or contact us!

Library Catalog

Use this link if you are just looking for a print book in the library. Print books are also indexed in OneSearch.

Advanced Search

The advanced search link provides additional ways of narrowing your results in OneSearch. 

Streaming Videos

Search individual video databases by title or topic. 



Contact the Library

Profile Photo
Jane Lewandoski
Phone (810) 989-5640
Text (810) 515-7343