What is the difference between data and statistics?
Data is defined as:
1. Information, especially when it is to be analyzed or used as the basis for a decision.
2. Information, usually in numerical form, suitable for processing by a computer.
In simple terms, data is essentially raw information, resulting from a study, survey, or other method. This includes information from datasets, data tables, machine-readable data files, and data files from software programs. Below is an example of a dataset.

Statistics are defined as:
1. The branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. Statistics is especially useful in drawing general conclusions about a set of data from a sample of it.
2. Numerical data used in drawing general conclusions from a sample of it.
In other words, statistics are the results of analyzing raw data, and are helpful in interpreting and understanding it. Statistics are often presented in tables, charts, or graphs, but may also be reported in books and articles. Below is an example of a statistical table.