Approximate cost of textbook (new) $280.00. Potential savings per section of 30 students = $8,400.
Approximate textbook cost (new) 166.75. Potential savings per section of 30 students = $5,002.50
Approximate textbook cost (new) 283.25. Maximum potential savings per section of 30 students = $8,497.50
Approximate textbook cost (new) 313.25. Potential savings per section of 30 students = $9,397.50
Approximate textbook cost (new) 286.75. Potential savings per section of 30 students = $8,602.50
Approximate textbook cost (new) 151.96*. Potential savings per section of 30 students = $4,558.80
*price from Amazon. SC4 bookstore offers title for rent only.
All textbook cost savings estimates based on cost of purchase of new textbook from SC4 bookstore as of Fall 2019.