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Nursing Faculty Resources

Welcome to Nursing Resources for Faculty

SC4 Library offers many resources to help supplement your instruction as well as to support your professional development.

These pages are dedicated to some of the tools offered that are designed specifically for those in the nursing profession.

Resource recommendation

Is there a resource you would like the library to purchase for you or your students? If so, please contact us or complete the resource recommendation form. 


Resource delivery request

Faculty and staff can request items be delivered to their office via inter-office mail. Please allow 24 hrs for processing and delivery. When you are finished with the resource - just drop it back in the inter-office mail to return.

Course Guides

The library can create a course page just for your class with links to streaming videos and segments, articles, ebooks, and ebook chapters.

Please contact a librarian if you'd like a course page for your class.

Nursing Databases

A list of popular nursing databases including SC4 subscribed and open access resources

Contact SC4 Library

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SC4 Library
St. Clair County Community College Library
323 Erie St., P.O. Box 5015
Port Huron, MI 48061-5015
Library Main (810) 989-5640
Reference Services (810) 989-5532
SMS (810) 515-7343