Library research guides help you find scholarly information on your topic
The librarians at SC4 have created research guides that can help you find information for your papers and projects. An alphabetic list of the guides is available on the library homepage.

How to use the guides
Let's say that you are in the Criminal Justice program and have an assignment to find some scholarly sources of information for a paper, you might consult the Criminal Justice Library Research Guide for help. There are tabs across the top that help you find additional information, such as government websites, such as the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice, that provide statistical information. Note also the user-friendly URLs for the library research guides.
Check out these research guides by clicking on the links below.
Examples of topic guides:
Civil Rights in the United States
Discrimination in the U.S.
Human Trafficking
Creative Writing
Literary critiques & information about authors
Examples of course guides:
Criminal Justice
Psychology 180
Examples of other helpful guides:
MLA Citation Style Format
Annotated Bibliographies