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ENG 102 Information Literacy Prof. Bernard

Finding peer reviewed articles using OneSearch - Video

Please watch the video below demonstrating how to find peer reviewed articles using OneSearch or read the written directions under the video.

Finding peer reviewed articles using OneSearch - Written directions

Finding Peer Reviewed Scholarly Articles Using OneSearch - Written directions

It is easy to limit your OneSearch results to peer reviewed materials. Remember that peer reviewed materials are reviewed by experts in the field and approved for publication. They are excellent sources of information. The screen shots below will show how to look for scholarly articles on food insecurity for college students. 


I used the search string ("food insecurity" OR hunger) AND "college students" in the OneSearch box. 

OneSearch food insecurity AND college students



The image below shows the result list after narrowing the results to peer reviewed materials using the limiters in the left hand column. 

OneSearch narrowed to peer reviewed - hunger


The third title in the list of results looks like it might be right the topic. 


Food insecurity Hawaii


Clicking on the title will show you the abstract of the article and sometimes the full text in html format. It will also show you the elements of the citation. 

Hawaii abstract


In the ProQuest databases, click on Cite in the upper left-hand corner to gather the citation information. In some of the databases, you will need to change the APA citation to MLA format.


PQ choosing citation


Double check the citation to make sure it includes all of the citation elements you need. You can copy and paste the citation and add the necessary elements in your Works Cited page. 


PQ MLA citation need to add access date