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Biology 270 Environmental Science Prof. McFadden

Energy Topics

Use the tabs across the top of the boxes to find additional materials.

Potential keywords:

  • "clean energy"
  • "wind energy" OR "wind power" OR "wind turbines"
  • "solar energy" OR "solar power" 
  • "sustainable energy" OR "renewable energy"


  • "electric vehicles" OR "electric cars" OR "hybrid cars"
  • "hybrid electric"
  • (vehicles OR cars) AND ("fuel economy" OR "fuel consumption")
  • (vehicles OR cars) AND "fuel systems"
  • "alternative fuel vehicles"
  • "internal combustion engine" OR "fossil fuel vehicles"


  • "tidal energy"


Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy

Use the tabs across the top of this box to find additional information.

Use a combination of terms to create your search string:

  • "clean energy"


  • "electric vehicles" OR "electric cars" OR "hybrid cars"
  • "hybrid electric"
  • (vehicles OR cars) AND ("fuel economy" OR "fuel consumption")
  • (vehicles OR cars) AND "fuel systems"
  • "alternative fuel vehicles"
  • "internal combustion engine" OR "fossil fuel vehicles"


  • "solar energy" OR "solar power"
  • "alternative power" OR "alternative fuel"
  • "wind power" OR "wind energy"