The Diary of Anne Frank: A Tale of Two SistersThis film tells the stories of Anne Frank and Eva Schloss, whose young lives paralleled each other and whose surviving parents, Otto Frank and Elfriede Geiringer, eventually married. It features extensive interviews with Eva Schloss to help tell the story of her and Anne's brief friendship, their lives in hiding, and Otto's thinking after Auschwitz's liberation and learning of Anne's diary. The film examines who Anne Frank was as a person, Otto's decision to publish the diary, and the way his efforts promoted Anne Frank's ideals and her important legacy. Eva would be one of the first people to hear Otto read extracts from Anne's diary, a feat which he couldn’t manage to do without crying. Eva witnessed the publication and dramatization of the Diary of Anne Frank and became involved in the Anne Frank Foundation set up by Otto in 1963. In 1989 she created the Anne Frank Trust UK which aimed to share the message of the Anne Frank foundation to challenge prejudice and hatred. (45 minutes)