Evaluate all information, whether from a book, article, or website.
These guidelines were derived from General Guidelines, Online Writing Lab (OWL), Purdue University.
MLA also provides a checklist for evaluating sources.
Searching for information about the author or organization responsible for the website, article, or book is an excellent way of evaluating sources. This method is called lateral reading.
The Civic Online Reasoning Institute at Stanford University has an excellent explanation of Lateral Reading in "Sort Fact from Fiction Online with Lateral Reading." The video is under four minutes. The University of Louisville Libraries also has this useful handout about lateral reading.
Brunning, Andy. "A Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science." Ci: Compound Interest, Andy Brunning/Compound Interest, 2023, www.compoundchem.com/2014/04/02/a-rough-guide-to-spotting-bad-science/. Accessed 26 August 2024.