Search strategies

If you have an artist in mind, try searching their name in quotation marks. For example, "Richard Serra" or "Barbara Hepworth" or "Andy Goldsworthy".

If you have not chosen an artist yet, try searching a sculpture type like "kinetic sculpture" or "found object sculpture". For types that have synonyms, try combining terms like "environmental art" OR earthworks.

Once you've found an artist or style, search ARTstor to find images to use as references for your own project. Be sure to find multiple works in one style or by one artist. 

Look for reference articles in Credo Reference or Gale Virtual Reference Library. 

Try searching art journals and the New York Times for in depth articles and criticisms of your artist.

Search the internet to find galleries or museums that have hosted exhibitions of the artist's work or to find the artist's own web portfolio.

Art & design publications

Database Access Off Campus

Off campus? To search the SC4 Library databases you will be prompted to enter your SC4 email address (e.g. and password. 

Please contact the library if you are having trouble.


Works Cited

MLA citations for the following formats:


Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.    Medium of Publication.

Article from a reference or encyclopedia :

Lastname, Firstname. "Article title." Title of book. Editor name. Volume and year of    publication. Medium of publication.

Journal article:

Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. Medium of publication.

Art - viewed in its original location:

Lastname, Firstname. Title of work. Date of work. Medium. Location of work.

Art - reproduced in a book:

Lastname, Firstname. Title of work. Date. Location of work. Title of book reprinted in. Author.    Place of publication: Publisher. Page. Medium.

Image on a website:

Artist Lastname, Firstname. Title of work. Date created. Location of work.Title of website.    Web. Date accessed.

Page on a website:

"Title of article" Name of site. Name of person/company responsible for site, Date    published/updated. Web. Date accessed.


Contact the Library

Profile Photo
SC4 Library
St. Clair County Community College Library
323 Erie St., P.O. Box 5015
Port Huron, MI 48061-5015
Library Main (810) 989-5640
Reference Services (810) 989-5532
SMS (810) 515-7343


Some examples of modern / contemporary sculpture artists and their work.